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Badge Cheats

Badges and nurse cheat sheets for nurses in a variety of specialties.  Get the information you need.   Make the #nurselife easier.
Save 25%This badge is the algorithm for ACLS. It also contains emergency medication doses, cpr ratios, and AED operation instructions. This is a MUST-HAVE for nurses.
ACLS Algorithm Badge Cheat Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side 1 of our Arterial Lines Badge Buddy contains Radial Artery, Brachial Artery, Femoral Artery, and the Allen Test.
Arterial Line Badge Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 29%Our badge ruler and weight conversion chart badge is perfect for nurses in all specialties.  Add badge tool to your badge reel and never be without a ruler again. 
Badge Ruler Sale price$2.50 Regular price$3.50
Save 71%Our best seller at a discounted price, this badge companion features the Stroke Scale in its entirety.  On the back, it has a GCS scale and left and right stroke symptoms.  It is a must-have for all nurses.
Bargain Badges - New (Synthetic) Badges Sale price$1.75 Regular price$5.99
Save 25%Side 1 of our Burn Badge for inpatient nurses contains staging and category information and nursing care for burns.
Burn Badge Buddy Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 8%The standard edition of our cardiac badge book contains EKG tips, EKG Rhythms, Bradycardia, Tachycardia, MI, Levophed, and Cardiac Drips. (Our drips section has been confirmed by a board-certified Pharmacist.). 
Cardiac Badge Book Sale price$21.99 Regular price$23.99
Save 10%Cardiac Drips Badge
Cardiac Drips Badge Sale price$17.99 Regular price$19.99
Save 25%Chest Tube Badge
Chest Tube Badge Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side 1 of our CNA Badge Buddy contains CPR ratio, rate, depth, breaths, temperature, and vital signs.  CNA tasks.  vital signs.
CNA Badge Cheat Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%This badge buddy is a must-have for inpatient nurses.  Code information is crucial to have on hand.  It contains everything you need to know.
Code Blue Badge Buddy Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side 1 of our Conscious Sedation badge buddy contains symptoms, assessment, and documentation for nurses.
Conscious Sedation Badge Buddy Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%<p>Our diabetic badge contains onset times, peak times and duration as well as risk factors and critical patient education information information.&nbsp; This badge companion is perfect for nurses in all specialties.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Side 1 contains types, onset, peak and duration times.&nbsp;</p>
Diabetic Peak Times Badge Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side 1 of our EKG Badge Buddy contains EKG Heart Rhythms and more.
EKG Badge Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side one of our REBOA badge buddy contains the zones of placement, documentation, and the 5 P's of compartment syndrome.
Endovascular Occlusion Badge for Trauma Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 20%Our ER Flip Book is the perfect emergency medicine guide for any medical professional. Packed with concise instructions on how to handle a variety of medical emergencies, this flip book is a must-have for any emergency room. Stay prepared with the ER Flip Book.
ER Flip Book Sale price$23.99 Regular price$29.99
Save 25%This badge buddy contains positive values for compatibility and negative values for popular Emergency Room IV medications. All medications should be checked according to the six rights and compatibility should always be verified per facility.
ER IV Compatibility Badge Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side 1 of our ESI Triage Badge Buddy contains the ESI Triage Classification.
ESI Triage Badge Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side 1 of our fluid badge buddy contains the most common fluids used in nursing practice along with their indications and tonicity.
Fluid / Blood Badge Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%<p>Our H's &amp; T's badges contain all the information you need.&nbsp; Medications and poison control number.&nbsp;This badge is perfect for nurses in all specialties.</p> <p><meta charset="utf-8"><span>Side one of our H's and T's badge contains the H's of Cardiac Arrest. </span>Side two of our H's and Ts badge contains the T's of Cardiac Arrest and the national poison control number.</p>
H's & T's of Cardiac Arrest Badge Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%This Heart Failure badge is great for all nurses in all specialties.  It contains the types, order set, assessment, stages of heart failure, discharge instructions and the timing for heart failure patients.
Heart Failure Badge Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%This is a FAST badge buddy for hospice nursing. Contains helpful tools and QR codes to keep you up to date on documentation.
Hospice FAST Scale Badge Companion Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 7%This badge buddy book contains comprehensive information about the ICU.  It is perfect for ICU nurses, new nurses and critical care.
ICU Badge Collection Sale price$27.99 Regular price$29.99
Save 17%This badge set contains some of the most popular drip information in Critical Care settings.  It is an absolute yes or no.  Information should always be confirmed before administering.  This badge is great for new ICU or Critical Care nurses.
ICU Drips and Compatibility Badge Sale price$9.99 Regular price$11.99
Save 25%Side one of our kidney stone workup badge buddy contains symptoms, assessment and labs.
Kidney Stone Workup Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side one of our Lab Values Badge buddy contain Electrolytes, Blood and Arterial Blood Gases.
Lab Values Badge Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%This Mass Transfusion Protocol badge is invaluable for trauma nurses.&nbsp; Contains information related to Mass Transfusion protocol for traumas.&nbsp; Includes protocols, reversal agents, and more. <meta charset="utf-8">Our Mass Transfusion protocol badge is perfect for new trauma nurses.
Mass Transfusion Protocol - Trauma Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side 1 of our medical Spanish badge buddy contains an Orientation Assessment and Problem area with pictures.
Medical Spanish - Basic Assessment Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Our second in our medical Spanish series covers a chest pain assessment using the PQRST assessment strategy. &nbsp;Do not get caught without an interpreter when you need it. &nbsp;This badge is perfect for all nurses with a large Spanish population.
Medical Spanish - Chest Pain Assessment Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 7%Mix and Match Badge Bundle
Mix and Match Badge Bundle Sale price$25.00 Regular price$27.00
Save 25%Our PALS algorithm badge has the information you need for a pediatric code. On the front is the algorithm. On the back are meds, joules, AED instructions, pad placement, and CPR.
PALS Algorithm Badge Companion Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side one of our pediatric vital signs badge buddy includes temperature ranges, blood pressure, heart rate and respiration ranges.
Pediatric Badge Buddy Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 11%Our pediatric flip book is 6 badge buddies' worth of information pertaining to pediatric patients.  It includes pediatric vital signs, flacc scale, immunizations, PALS, Milestones, common medications and more.
Pediatric Flip Book Sale price$15.99 Regular price$17.99
Save 22%This reference is perfect for nurses working in pediatrics. &nbsp;It contains doses, max doses, and other information that is great to have on hand.  This reference has been verified by a board-certified Pharmacist.
Pediatric Med Reference Badge Sale price$6.99 Regular price$8.99
Save 25%Side one of our primary / secondary survey badge buddy contains the ABCDE primary survey and information relating to this critical area of trauma nursing.
Primary Secondary Survey Badge - Trauma Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side one of our Rapid Infusion badge buddy contains information about the Level One Rapid Infuser including directions and requirements as well as blood / plasma ratios.
Rapid Infusion Badge - Trauma Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side one of our rapid sequence intubation badge buddy has indications, equipment, and a pre-sedation checklist.
Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) badge for nurses Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side one of our sepsis badge buddy for nurses includes symptoms, assessments, and labs / imaging.
SEPSIS Badge Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 11%This bundle includes three badge buddies including the Stroke Alert Badge, Stroke Scale Badge, and TPA Badge.
Stroke Badge Bundle Sale price$15.99 Regular price$17.99
Save 25%Side one of our stroke scale badge buddy contains scale items 1-9.
Stroke Scale Badge Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%This is an alternative to TPA. This badge contains critical information for the administration of this therapy. This badge is perfect for inpatient care nurses who deal with the treatment of Strokes.
Tenecteplase Badge (TNK) Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side one of our TPA badge buddy contains timing and mechanism of action, directions and adverse effects.
TPA Badge for Inpatient Nurses Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Our Vents badge for inpatient nurses is a critical badge to have if you work anywhere there are bi-paps and ventilation.  It contains necessary information including alarms, monitoring tips and more.
VENTS Badge Buddy Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99
Save 25%Side two of our Wound care badge buddy contains pressure injury classification as well as staging.
Wound Care Badge Buddy Sale price$5.99 Regular price$7.99